Peanuts, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, are a versatile legume that is widely enjoyed as a popular snack and ingredient in many culinary preparations. Native to South America, peanuts are now cultivated across the globe due to their nutritional value, rich flavor, and versatility. With their distinct earthy taste and crunchy texture, peanuts have become a beloved part of many cuisines and a staple in households worldwide. Peanuts are small, oval-shaped legumes encased in a thin, light brown shell. Inside the shell, there are typically two peanuts, each covered with a papery, reddish-brown skin. Peanuts come in various varieties, including the Virginia, Valencia, Spanish, and Runner types, distinguished by differences in size, flavor, and culinary uses.Peanuts, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, are a versatile legume that is widely enjoyed as a popular snack and ingredient in many culinary preparations. Native to South America, peanuts are now cultivated across the globe due to their nutritional value, rich flavor, and versatility. With their distinct earthy taste and crunchy texture, peanuts have become a beloved part of many cuisines and a staple in households worldwide. Peanuts are small, oval-shaped legumes encased in a thin, light brown shell. Inside the shell, there are typically two peanuts, each covered with a papery, reddish-brown skin. Peanuts come in various varieties, including the Virginia, Valencia, Spanish, and Runner types, distinguished by differences in size, flavor, and culinary uses. The Virginia variety is commonly larger, while the Spanish variety is smaller and often used for making peanut butter. Peanuts offer a unique flavor profile that combines nuttiness, mild sweetness, and a hint of richness. They have a pleasant, slightly crunchy texture when roasted or dry roasted, providing a satisfying bite. When consumed raw, peanuts have a softer texture and a milder taste. The flavor intensifies when the peanuts are roasted, enhancing their natural oils and bringing out their characteristic nutty aroma.